If you’re a die-hard news junkie, chances are that you’ve encountered paywalls on news sites such as the Washington Post or the New York Times. It’s one of the most popular ways for websites to generate revenue, but it also has its drawbacks. For example: if your favorite site is covered by a paywall but you don’t want to pay for access (or if you just want access on mobile devices), there’s an easy solution.
This free and simple trick takes less than a minute to install for a lifetime of free news (as it should be!)
Step 1: Download this .zip file by clicking this hyperlink and double-click to unzip the extension file.
Step 2: In the Chrome URL bar type and navigate to chrome://extensions and toggle on “Developer Mode” in the top right corner.
Step 3: Click “Load unpacked” in the top left navigation bar and select the unzipped extension file folder from step 1.
Step 4: The extension will load and click “Save”. Done! If there are any news/paywall blocks you’d like to add you can do so in the “Custom Sites” tab. Viola, happy reading!
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